Is astrology science or art?’ It is a question that surfaces again and again. If astrology isn’t a science, what exactly is it? Many are quick to de-bunk astrology – after all, no large scale studies have ever been taken into the accuracy of predictions and astrology.
You cannot prove astrology in a lab. While astrology tends to be categorized under the unflattering term ‘pseudo-science’, this often irritates astrologers many of whom have spent years studying their craft. We consulted top astrologer Sundeep Kochar to get his expert opinion on the complicated question.
Dwelling on the history of astrology, Kochar answered, “For thousands of years, astrology and astronomy were considered the same thing. It was a science of observation. However, only the very rich and royalty has access to this information and the astronomer/astrologer you consulted was one and the same person.”
He continued, “This went on for centuries, right up until the discovery of Uranus in the 18th Century. Uranus is the planet of revolution, change and innovation. It was the first planet to be discovered with a telescope. Until that point, we thought the solar system ended with Saturn because this was as far as we could observe with the naked eye. And this was how astronomy and astrology began to be seen as two different things – one scientific, and the other esoteric and unproven.”
Most astrologers argue that astrology is too complex to be specifically categorized or measured scientifically. However, celebrity astrologer Sundeep Kochar differs. “I believe astrology is not merely a science or an art, but a soul tool we have been given to empower ourselves. It helps us understand the reasons why events happen to us and why we react in the way we do. It also allows us to delve deeper into questions like ‘Why am I here?’ and ‘What’s my purpose?’ – and gain answers,” he said.
Kochar also added that astrology is not limited to just predicting the timing of events in our lives. According to him, while it is incredibly useful for predictions, astrology is more like a spiritual tool that we can use to access a deeper wisdom and insight that expands our consciousness as we move through life and into a new era of being.
Famous astrologer Sundeep Kochar is of the opinion that astrology not merely art, or science, but its meta-physical. “Astrology combines mythology, psychology, astronomy
